hello....u know what!!
IM HOT!!!!
and SO WET!!!
i can barely breath!!
Malaysia is so hot!!!
that's one of the reason i don like here...

it was a lovely morning...
it was quite a rush but everything seems fine...
still catch the slight in time...
and we were the last 2 passenger to go into the plane...><
it was a good RUN!!!hahahaha...
and also....
left my phone in Siska's car...
luckily she came back for me..
thanks Sissy...oo
now....meet my friends...
ate bak kut teh!!!(herbal pork soup)
and also "snowflakes"(shredded ice with taro balls,pearls and herbal jelly [sydney's meetfresh])
CHIT CHAT...everyone seems fine...
but everyone is like saying i get skinnier...

one more thing i wanna say....
my blackberry is like not working...><
i don't know why...
will fixed it when i go back to my hometown...^^
was thinking...is everyone alright there??
missing me already??hahaha...
i do miss them a lot...already...:(

*3rd day no blog...is it because if the movie thingy again??
i thought u're gonnaa blog everyday...><*

anyway...i'll have my shower then go bed!!!
tomorrow will be a great day!!
night guys...

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