hello, im posting again.
Hmmm...how can i start this thing that i want to say....
ok...it goes like this...
people like this in school:
1. Relax, fooling around and naughty students but is one of the TOP student in class?
2. Study really hard (when in the class and exams is starting soon), both hands holding their head, elbows on the table (like holding their heavy head) and study but still get like SO SO marks.
listen people saying this in the school:
"you're so smart",
"how come you can get this high marks??",
"why i'm so dumb.",
"that guy/girl is so smart."
"they got the whole book in their brain."
did you ever see or hear that before??
i used to be one of them that always stressing out and at the end just can't be bother to do well in the exams, back in old school.
obviously i didn't prepare well/ at all back home.......
and i am wondering why people are so smart that they can get like 100% in the exams. WTHeaven!!
do they eat some kind of herb or vitamin to be smart?or maybe is the salmon fish oil + omega 3 supplements.
Maybe they got super power!!
but lately i found out the secret weapon to be TOP marks in school and let people think you're smart.
Do you think that they are really that 'SMART'??
actually they are a little bit smart but do you know they work really HARD too??
of course if u want 100% u need to work smart too and ++.
Frequently ask question:
-How we going to work smart?
Answer: Double your "work hard" and you will figure it out how to "work smart".
so for you that think you don't know how to work smart yet, this is the solution.
2(work hard) + work hard = HD for your test.
Conclusion is the secret key is work hard!!
If you think that u "DID" your best and still got like SO SO marks, it actually means that you don't work hard enough!!
so people, stop the talking and do something!!
even though i didn't get TOP in school but quite good marks.
people are always saying that and it annoys me sometimes.
cause u know, im no that smart...
before i hands off, plan something and work hard on it.
as the bible says,
Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3).
you need action to succeed, not just talking and acting in front of people.
just want to express my feelings here because i know those people won't see my blog.^^
night every one.
12:17 AM |
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