hello everyone,
i just listened to a marriage conference by Joseph Prince  ( famous preacher in Singapore)
it's very sad that there are not a lot of virgins in the world before they get married.
On the other side, the world are always promoting SEX ...
telling them that sex are good... it  makes you get close to each other...
but u know what?? God created sex for human. They are VERY good IF u have them after u are married.
To fellow Girls, dont let the boys to open the present before Christmas!!
Dont allow them to 'see' you before you belong to them.
Dont you think it will be more excited if you got something extra for your marriage??*best marriage gift ever*

anyway, let me tell you a story.*true story*
there's a girl is USA, a virgin, and her friends are always pressuring her and trying to persuade her to have sex...
one day, she gets angry and tell her friends, "you know what? For me to become like you all, i only need ONE night, but for you all to become like me.....NEVER!!"

so virgin people, learn from that girl!!^^

to know more...go

spend some time and learn more and have a better life.
GBu all

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