wonderful day today!!hahaha...
it's school holiday so it's kind of busy in the museum.
many kids running around in the gift shops.
parents keep on stopping their children hands from touching the toys.
it's something like this....
mom: "if you touch it i will slap your hand."
boy: "yes mom"

and some of the older ones will goes like this.
boy: " NO YOU WON'T!!"
hahahhaa....that's kids in aussie!!

some of the familly goes like this.
boy: " mom, can i get this chocolates please."
girls: " mom, look at this so cute.can i get those?"
mom: " NO!! "
boys and girls: " but you got my money.......*with that sad faces* i wish i got money"

many stocks came in this morning. so i am really busy today.
anyway. the highlights of the day!!

a litttle 3 years old boy run into the shops and look at the "tic-tac-toe" toy and goes to her mom and say "this is coooooooL mummy"
then he saw mermaids hanging on the rack.
then he run there and hold the mermaid and tell his mom "mom........i like girls!!"
hahahaha....very funny!!!

after work go school and then got a meeting about the retreat this coming Friday.
trying to finalize everything.
anyway.it is a very interesting day today!!

night peeps.

didn't really see u writing lately.
hello peeps...still checking up my blog???hahahaha...
being quite busy lately...and also busying for the coming retreat!!
hahahaha...and tired all day...yawn....still tired now..hahaha...
and also...i am writing a diary now..not everyday but just some special day.
so many things make me kinda didn't blog anymore.
anyway...today's weather is fabulous!!hahhaa...
thought it will be heavy downpour like Sunday it end up Sunny...
hahaha...with some cool wind!! that's the perfect weather.
so...after work, a friend called me and tell me there's a SALES!!!
so i went shopping!!hehehe...and bought a superdry jeans.50% off!!
after that go school and got assignment to do...
it's actually last semester's work....but it's done now.

alright...heading to bed!!
got something interesting but im too tired to write!!
will do it tomorrow...^^no one will read it tonight anyway..hahaha...
Good Night everyone..
hello peeps!!hmm...did you guys know i went to Taipei,Taiwan a few weeks ago??
for those who check out my facebook should know.
hmm...before i go there. Taiwan is all about food, 'pinang' girls, night markets and nice club!!
i bet u guys don't know what is 'pinang' girls. they are those pretty and sexy girls selling pinang(a kinda of plum that when u eat it your teeth turns brownish yellow color) by the road sides.
and the food...saw them since i am young from the TV show and they introduce those food is like food from heaven.
night markets....SHOPPING of course...and club...hear it from my friend.

anyway...it turns up like this.
food was good...but not what i expected.it's just SO SO for me...Malaysian food is best so far..hahaha...

'pinang' girls..NON...my friend told me all 'pinang' girls had been banished in Taipei from the government a few years ago but beside Taipei there's still 'pinang' girls...too bad we just hang around taipei.

Clubs...too tired everyday and we don't have enough time for clubs.
the best part of this trip is the shopping part!!night markets...things were cheap,nice and ........
wait for it....

and we went to some rock visiting, some history places...
not really interested in those place but if you want to tell people you're in Taiwan.
you need to go there and have some pictures as a prove!!hahahaha....
that's my Taiwan trip!!
hmm...i think i talk a bit too much about the 'pinang' girls...
it's just something u can't really find in other country...so i am quite curious about it..
that's all guys...NIGHT!!
We men have
become very adept at covering up our pain. We tend to cover our fear and
with Sunday smiles, nice suits, firm handshakes and sometimes lies. One of the
things that cause us great pain is broken relationship. One reason they are so
painful and so crippling is that no one has ever showed us how to fix a
fractured relationship. It may even have been something devastating, such as rejection,
divorce, or you may have good friends you don’t talk to anymore.
Painful past
come in all shapes and sizes and degrees of intensity. In some case, the
who has been the focus of our pain isn’t even around anymore. It’s too late to
say you’re sorry, or to hear those healing words from other person’s lips.
Somewhere with God
We tend to let
past failures keep us from trying again. But once we committed to the Lord,we
have His power available to help us move forward instead of looking back. He is
very aware what ever your situation may be. He knows when things go wrong in
your relationship. You need to focus on Someone who is there to help you.
of what happened yesterday, if you stick with the Lord today, your yesterday
have to control your tomorrow. If you are still thinking about the people
caused your problem, you are focusing on the wrong thing. I know this might be
difficult to forgive someone who hurt you really bad.
God must lead you downhill to take you uphill. He must take you to the bottom
in order to get you to the top. The problem comes when we’re at the bottom,
because we tend to assume that it’s the end of the trip. But when the Lord is
with you, something is going to happen. God knows where He’s taking you. And
knows the lessons you need to know in order to be equipped when you get
Seeking God’s Greater Purpose
When all things seems to be against you, it may be becauseyour vision is
obscured by the past. When you look at your situation from a heavenly
perspective, all these things may be for you. They just haven’t been put
together yet. You say” My life is a lemon.” Oh, but God can make lemonade.
can take a messed-up scenario and totally transform it if His sovereignty is
allowed to work in your life.
Breaking the
power of the past and making the most of the present
“A few years ago an old lamp in a house fell
and broke. It was pretty bad shape, but the owner liked that old lamp, so the
owner got out the Super Glue and went to work. The owner fit the pieces back
together, let the glue dry and put that lamp back on the stand. In fact you
this lamp you would never know it was once broken. The owner knows it, the
worked and the lamp is still giving light”

You may have
a broken past, cracked by an uncaring father, jealous friends, or a careless
mate. But if you bring that cracked vessel to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit
the “glue thing” He can put your life together where only you will know it was
ever cracked. And you may forget it was once cracked because your light is
still shining. That’s what God can do. Because of Him you can bring light to

GB everyone.

Bertahun-tahun yang lalu, saya berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk memberikan saya pasangan.

"Engkau tidak memiliki pasangan karena engkau tidak memintanya", Tuhan menjawab.

Tidak, hanya saya meminta kepada Tuhan, seraya menjelaskan kriteria pasangan yang saya inginkan.

Saya menginginkan pasangan yang baik hati, lembut, mudah mengampuni, hangat, jujur, penuh dengan damai dan sukacita, murah hati, penuh pengertian, pintar, humoris, penuh perhatian.

Saya bahkan memberikan kriteria pasangan tersebut secara fisik yang selama ini saya impikan.

Sejalan dengan berlalunya waktu, saya menambahkan daftar kriteria yang saya inginkan dalam pasangan saya.

Suatu malam, dalam doa, Tuhan berkata dalam hati saya, "HambaKu, Aku tidak dapat memberikan apa yang engkau inginkan."

Saya bertanya, "Mengapa Tuhan?" dan Ia menjawab, "Karena Aku adalah Tuhan dan Aku adalah Adil. Aku adalah kebenaran dan segala yang Aku lakukan benar"

Aku bertanya lagi, "Tuhan, aku tidak mengerti mengapa aku tidak dapat memperoleh apa yang aku pinta dariMu?".

Jawab Tuhan, "Aku akan menjelaskan kepadamu.

Adalah suatu ketidakadilan dan ketidakbenaran bagiKu untuk memenuhi keinginanmu karena Aku tidak dapat memberikan sesuatu yang bukan seperti engkau.

Tidaklah adil bagiKu untuk memberikan seseorang yang penuh dengan cinta dan kasih kepadamu jika terkadang engkau masih kasar;

atau memberikan seseorang yang pemurah tetapi engkau masih kejam;

atau seseorang yang mudah mengampuni, tetapi engkau sendiri masih suka menyimpan dendam;

seseorang yang sensitif, namun engkau sendiri tidak..."

Kemudian Ia berkata kepada saya, "Adalah lebih baik jika Aku memberikan kepadamu seseorang yang Aku tahu dapat menumbuhkan segala kualitas yang engkau cari selama ini daripada membuat engkau membuang waktu mencari seseorang yang sudah mempunyai semua itu.

Pasanganmu akan berasal dari tulangmu dan dagingmu, dan engkau akan melihat dirimu sendiri di dalam dirinya dan kalian berdua akan menjadi satu.

Pernikahan adalah tempat dimana engkau dan pasanganmu akan saling menyesuaikan diri dan tidak hanya bertujuan untuk menyenangkan hati satu sama lain, tetapi untuk menjadikan kalian manusia yang lebih baik, dan membuat suatu kerjasama yang solid.

Aku tidak memberikan pasangan yang sempurna karena engkau tidak sempurna.

Aku memberikanmu seseorang yang dapat bertumbuh bersamamu".

Ini untuk yang baru saja menikah, yang sudah menikah, yang akan menikah dan yang sedang mencari, khususnya yang sedang mencari.

Jika kamu memancing ikan.....

Setelah ikan itu terikat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil Ikan itu.....

Janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja, karena ia akan sakit oleh karena ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang, setelah ia mulai menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya.....

Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja......

Karena ia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingat... .

jika kamu memiliki seseorang, terimalah apa adanya....
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa.

Anggaplah ia manusia biasa.

Apabila sekali ia melakukan kesilapan bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya.....

akhirnya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya.

Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan terus Hingga ke akhirnya....

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepiring nasi, yang pasti baik untuk dirimu.Mengenyangkan dan berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, coba mencari makanan yang lain....

Terlalu ingin mengejar kelezatan, Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak bisa memakannya lagi kamu akan menyesal.

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang manusia, yang membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu. Mengasihimu.

Mengapa kamu berlengah, dan coba bandingkannya dengan yang lain.

Janganlah terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan.

Bersyukurlah untuk apa yang ada dan beLajar menghargai apa yang sudah didapat.


但我們卻怎麼 一起哭了

我捨不得 可是時間回不去了
愛你很值得 只是該停了

我捨不得 最後一次抱緊你了
我們錯過的 錯了就錯了
不用擔心我 愛你了

不追問到底為什麼 是我最後的溫柔
但我們卻怎麼 一起哭了

我捨不得 可是時間回不去了
愛你很值得 只是該停了

我捨不得 最後一次抱緊你了
我們錯過的 錯了就錯了
不用擔心我 我愛你了

親愛的 有你牽著我的那些日子

我捨不得 可是時間回不去了

我們錯過的 錯了就錯了
不用擔心我 我走了
as everyone know!!!i went back to Malaysia on the 24th Sept 2010...
the main reason is to go to my eldest brother's wedding!!
it's a happy thing cause it's the 1st wedding in our family!!
i thought is will be a GRAND wedding...like my parents will really spent time doing everything..
relatives will come from overseas and everyone will gather and having fun!!
things were really well planned as my brother were always the leader (in the Brothers and sister group)... he is the one always start something new and we the younger one will just follow..
whooohoooo....it sounds really GREAT eyyy!!

for your information.... in my family...no one really celebrate anything....even birthday,mother and father's day....NAH!!!cause my parents were too busy working all the time...siblings were always away...that's why!!

but things just went totally different from what i expected!!
1st: my parents didn't show up on the day my brother and his wife sign the wedding thingy...the "contract"??...don really know what is it but i know is one of the important thing and normally families will show up on that day!!
another thing is my mom always complaint it's too troublesome to do a wedding so she is like requesting we(me and my elder brother) make it as simple as possible...><

2nd: my brother is really an UN-well planned guy...brides' and grooms' mate is not really doing what they suppose to do and do u see brides' and grooms' mates leave early on the wedding day??they suppose to help the groom and the brides until the end of the wedding.. hahaha...stupid eyy...but my brother is like whatever!!!
another thing is we actually got a lot unexpected guest coming on the wedding dinner..><
anyway...i am happy cause i see many many old friends...not mine...my parents' old friend...
those that used to carry me when i am a baby, buy me food when i am still a kid, the dancing group and many many many... everyone said i grown up, handsome... and one more thing i have to mention...they said i look like Korean Star!!!! whoohooo!!!
so if u see me on the wedding dinner, i am always walking around and 'GAN BEI" with people..or we call it 'yam seng'!!hahahaha...

that's the wedding!!hahaha.....
i'll keep on update guys!!!


hello reader!!!
long time since i last update my blog...
guess you guys wont check it up so often i think...
anyway!!!i got some great stories!!(summarize)
just a ring a ding dong...to let u guys check up my blog!!
catch up with you guys later!!!^^